Ninth International Conference on Climate Change: Join CFACT and Climate Depot at the Ninth International Conference on Climate Change. July 7-9
Ninth International Conference on Climate Change Join CFACT and Climate Depot at the Ninth International Conference on Climate Change. July 7-9 in Vegas, baby!
Paper: ‘The scandal of fiddled global warming data’ – ‘USA has actually been cooling since 1930s’
Warmists Gaga! GOP New Hampshire Sen. Jim Rubens Primary Candidates Declares Himself A Warmist – ‘He’s not afraid to talk about conservative solutions to climate change’: ‘The science is overwhelming’
Bailout climate with a carbon tax? Bush’s Bank Bailout Treas. Sec. Hank Paulson in NYT: ‘The coming climate crash…Let’s not ignore the climate bubble’ – Implies tax will make weather less extreme!
Hank Paulson in NYT: Bailout the climate with a carbon tax? ‘The Coming Climate Crash…Let’s not ignore the climate bubble’ Henry M. Paulson Jr. is the chairman of the Paulson Institute at the University of Chicago and secretary of the Treasury from July 2006 to January 2009. Excerpts: We’re staring down a climate bubble We’ve […]
Indian Environment Minister: ‘We need to grow’ – Developing Nations Have Right To Grow, CO2 Emissions May Rise
Indian Environment Minister: Developing Nations Have Right To Grow, CO2 Emissions May Rise “Unless we tackle poverty, unless we eradicate poverty, we cannot really address climate change. To that end, we need to grow. Our net CO2 emissions may increase” Prakash Javadekar, India’s Environment minister has taken a bold stand on the carbon emissions […]
Did Newsweek Really Claim Antarctic Sea Ice Is Melting?
UN IPCC commissioned models to see if global warming would reach dangerous levels this century. Consensus is ‘no’ – ‘Even if you pile crazy assumption upon crazy assumption, you cannot even manage to make climate change cause minor damage’
New paper predicts temperature decrease by 2020 of up to 1C due to low solar activity – Published in the Journal of Atmospheric and Solar-Terrestrial Physics
New paper predicts temperature decrease by 2020 of up to 1C due to low solar activity A paper published today in the Journal of Atmospheric and Solar-Terrestrial Physics finds long solar cycles predict lower temperatures during the following solar cycle. A lag of 11 years [the average solar cycle length] is found to provide maximum […]
New paper finds climate models simulate or predict only about 6% of altocumulus clouds – Published in Atmospheric Research
New paper finds climate models simulate or predict only about 6% of altocumulus clouds A paper published today in Atmospheric Research finds “Altocumulus clouds are important, yet climate models have difficulties in simulating and predicting these clouds” and “Approximately 93.6% of Altocumulus clouds cannot be resolved by climate models with a grid resolution of […]
Watch Now: GOP Sen. Ask former EPA Chiefs about Obama’s claim ‘the climate is warming faster than anybody anticipated five or ten years ago.’ – – No one agrees