James Hansen on Obama EPA Climate Regs. Too little, too late
Click to access 20140619_TooLittle.pdf
Matt Ridley: Climate Cure Worse Than Thought
Matt Ridley: Climate Cure Worse Than Thought http://www.thegwpf.org/matt-ridley-climate-cure-worse-than-thought/ The IPCC produced two reports last year. One said that the cost of climate change is likely to be less than 2% of GDP by the end of this century. The other said that the cost of decarbonizing the world economy with renewable energy is likely to […]
Geologist: ‘IPCC Confuses Prognoses With Facts’ 15-Year Climate Development ‘No Longer Agrees With IPCC Models’
Geologist: “IPCC Confuses Prognoses With Facts” 15-Year Climate Development “No Longer Agrees With IPCC Models” http://notrickszone.com/2014/06/19/geologist-ipcc-confuses-prognoses-with-facts-15-year-climate-development-no-longer-agrees-with-ipcc-models/ In the online Baseler Zeitung Swiss geologist Markus Häring writes that the claim “a drastic reduction in CO2 can prevent a warming of the climate has no scientific basis.” Hat-tip DkS Häring writes that he has a background in […]
Berkeley may consider gas pump warnings about global warming