Fired for ‘Diverging’ on Climate: Progressive Professor’s fellowship ‘terminated’ after WSJ OpEd calling global warming ‘unproved science’
Climate Depot Exclusive Dr. Caleb Rossiter was “terminated” via email as an “Associate Fellow” from the progressive group Institute for Policy Studies (IPS), following his May 4th, 2014 Wall Street Journal OpEd titled “Sacrificing Africa for Climate Change,” in which he called man-made global warming an “unproved science.” Rossiter also championed the expansion of carbon […]
‘Climate change could flood your streets with doo-doo and toxic waste’: ‘Rising seas and ferocious storms linked to global warming won’t just bring water to our doorsteps…it will deliver a witches’ brew of sewage from low-lying drains and toxic waste from Superfund sites and industrial areas’
Public Suffering ‘Apocalypse Fatigue’ From Climate ‘Cultists’ – EPA’s ‘symbolic’ regs: ‘There is no claim that the [EPA] regulations will affect climate change’ ‘There is no claim that the regulations will affect climate change. If anyone bothers to run full compliance with the new regulations through one of the computer climate models, the temperature difference in the year 2100 would be perhaps .02 degrees Celsius. It would be novel if a reporter had the wit to ask […]
Analysis of ‘tiny’ skeptic funding vs. warmists funding: ‘Total budgets for all of these [skeptical] efforts would probably not add up to a month’s spending by just the Sierra Club’
Alleged 97% climate consensus dismantled: ‘When you explore the lineage of this cliché, it appears about as convincing as a North Korean election’ – ‘Among all the scientists who agree with the ‘consensus’ are all of the scientists who agree with the consensus’
Global temperature standstill ‘is the biggest embarrassment for a supposed scientific ‘consensus’ since Piltdown Man’
Gore: ‘History will not be kind’ to climate ‘deniers’
If it’s wet, EPA wants to regulate it: ‘Obama’s War on Everybody Else’ – New law ‘would remove ‘navigable’ from American water law and redefine nearly everything wet as ‘waters of the U.S.’ or WOTUS — and potentially subject us all to permits and fines’
Polar bears numbers underestimated! ‘PBSG has been assigning a zero value to the unstudied areas, territory that encompasses as much as half of the bears’ geographic range’ – ‘The total count has been consistently under-estimated’
Polar bears and the media At the Breakthrough Institute, Zac Unger looks at past misconceptions over what was known about polar bear numbers and seeks to lay the blame on the way these figures were reported: What’s news isn’t the idea that polar bear totals are a best-guess estimate. Of course they are. What’s […]
Giant Of Geology/Glaciology Christian Schlüchter Refutes CO2…Feature Interview Throws Climate Science Into Disarray
Giant Of Geology/Glaciology Christian Schlüchter Refutes CO2…Feature Interview Throws Climate Science Into Disarray This post is about an interview by the online Swiss Der Bund here with Swiss geology giant Christian Schlüchter titled: “Our society is fundamentally dishonest“. In it he criticizes climate science for its extreme tunnel vision and political contamination. Geologist Sebastain Lüning […]