U.S. sees ‘slight cooling trend’ since 2005 – NOAA shows ‘the pause’ in the U.S. surface temperature record over nearly a decade
Via Meteorologist Anthony Watts website WattsUpWithThat.com: “Not only is there a pause in the posited temperature rise from man-made global warming, but a clearly evident slight cooling trend in the U.S. Average Temperature over nearly the last decade. “The trend line illustrates a cooling trend in the minimum temperatures across the Contiguous United States for […]
Chart: ‘The Aussie carbon tax explained, a giant socialist pig trough’
The carbon tax explained, a giant socialist pig trough http://twitter.com/trashcanjibber/status/233886456559570944/photo/1 #wapol #ABCNews24 @ABCNews24 #perthnews #Melbourne https://twitter.com/polymorpheous/status/475797299700838400