Endless winter: Lake Superior ‘ice may last until July’
CDC’s data ‘indicates that on average twice as many people die from excessive cold than excessive heat’ in U.S.
Geologists baulk on climate unanimity: ‘Geological Society of Australia has said it will not take a position on climate change’
White House science adviser John Holdren: The intellectual godfather of Obama’s climate policy
New Poll: ‘A huge majority of Americans support regulating carbon from power plants. And they’re even willing to pay for it’ – ‘Lopsided and bipartisan majority’
‘The U.S. Isn’t in the Driver’s Seat’ on Emissions – ‘That seat is occupied by the world’s developing countries’
http://www.cato.org/publications/commentary/us-isnt-drivers-seat-climate?I utm_source=dlvr.it&utm_medium=twitter
Climatologist Dr. David LEGATES TELLS U.S. Senate: ‘Droughts in the U.S. are more frequent and more intense during colder periods’
Climatologist Dr. David Legates: “Droughts in the United States are more frequent and more intense during colder periods” http://hockeyschtick.blogspot.com/2014/06/climatologist-dr-david-legates-droughts.html Dr. David Legates, Professor of Climatology, University of Delaware, has filed today his requested statement to the Environment and Public Works Committee of the US Senate. Dr. Legates finds “My overall conclusion is that droughts in […]
Scientist tells U.S. Senate: Global Warming Not Causing More Wildfires – ‘To attribute this human-caused increase in fire risk to carbon dioxide emissions is simply unscientific’
Government wildfire data shows that the scale of U.S. wildfires has decreased dramatically since 1930, when wildfires burned more than four times the amount of acreage burned in 2012. In 1930, wildfires consumed more than 50 million acres of land, but in 2012 wildfires only burnt up 9.2 million acres. According to the National Oceanic […]