Gore: Obama’s plan ‘will be an important step to solve the climate crisis’
Powerful words from @BarackObama. Monday’s announcement will be an important step to solve the climate crisis. http://ow.ly/xtoqU https://twitter.com/algore/status/472831214249070592
Climatologist Dr. Judith Curry: ‘I don’t think anyone can credibly argue that CO2 reduced under Obama’s plan will change or improve the climate’
Curry: I don’t think anyone can credibly argue that CO2 reduced under Obama’s plan will change or improve the climate http://judithcurry.com/2014/05/31/u-s-climate-policy-discussion-thread-2/ https://twitter.com/hockeyschtick1/status/472803078677495809
Climatologist Dr. Pat Michaels: ‘The EPA’s Political Futility’ – ‘The politics of scaring people to death over climate change are probably more dangerous than the weather’
Scientists Admit Polar Bear Numbers Were Made Up To ‘Satisfy Public Demand’
POLITICO: ‘Some leading conservatives have a new talking point on climate science: They’re not qualified to talk about it’
Watch Now: Warmist Dem Rep. Joe Kennedy III grills skeptical scientist Dr. Daniel Botkin at House hearing: ‘Doctor, do you look both ways before you cross the street?’
Obama claims that trace CO2 might ‘condemn our children to a planet that’s beyond fixing’
Obama claims that trace CO2 might “condemn our children to a planet that’s beyond fixing” #actonclimate #fraud http://www.karnnewsradio.com/common/more.php?m=58&ts=1401530702&article=083F042DE8AB11E3B51EFEFDADE6840A&mode=2 https://twitter.com/tan123/status/472703464615579648