Obama’s Claim That Modern Severe Weather Is ‘Unprecedented’ Due To CO2 Is Empirically False

Obama’s Claim That Modern Severe Weather Is “Unprecedented” Due To CO2 Is Empirically False http://www.c3headlines.com/2014/05/obamas-claim-that-modern-severe-weather-is-unprecedented-due-to-co2-is-empirically-false.html (click on for cartoon source) Recent quotes regarding Obama’s severe weather and climate change claims: “Obama is on record saying that climate change “once considered an issue for the distant future, has moved firmly into the present” and is “affecting…

The new 97% consensus! Gallup Poll: 97% Of Americans Agree: Environment Is The Least Of Their Concern

97% Of Americans Agree: Environment Is The Least Of Their Concern http://www.thegwpf.org/97-of-americans-agree-environment-is-the-least-of-their-concern/ Only 3% of Americans consider the environment the most important problem facing the country. Twenty percent of Americans name unemployment or jobs as the most important problem facing the country in May, up from 14% who mentioned these issues in April. Dysfunctional government […]

New Study: Public Interest In Global Warming Melting Away – ‘Fallen sharply in the past few years’

Public Interest In Global Warming Melting Away http://www.thegwpf.org/crying-wolf-public-interest-in-global-warming-collapses/ Public interest in global warming has fallen sharply in the past few years despite growing evidence that man-made emissions have altered the climate, according to a study of people’s internet browsing habits. The number of Google searches carried out worldwide for the phrase “global warming” has fallen by […]