Climatologist Dr. Roger Pielke Sr.: ‘From my experience, I agree 100% with the allegations made by the very distinguished Lennart Bengtsson’
Der Spiegel: ‘Are Climate Scientists Being Forced to Toe the Line?’: ‘Global warming is taken as dogma. Anyone who doubts it is bad’
Roger Pielke Sr. of the University of Colorado says, “Unfortunately, climate science has become very politicized and views that differ at all from those in control of the climate assessment process are either ignored or ridiculed. From my experience, I agree 100 percent with the allegations made by the very distinguished Lennart Bengtsson.”
‘I Recant’ Says Author of Infamous Seventies Newsweek ‘Global Cooling’ Article
‘Global Sea Ice Skyrocketing’: ‘913,000 sq km above the 1981-2010 mean’
Sea Ice Update May 23 2014 – Global Sea Ice Skyrocketing A quick update for sea ice extent for day 142 of 2014: Global Sea Ice Extent is 913,000 sq km above the 1981-2010 mean and is well above the one standard deviation mark. Antarctic Sea Ice Extent is 1,378,000 sq km above the […]
Obama: ‘I know it’s hard to talk about global warming here in Chicago after this winter’
Obama admin ADMITS EPA rules shutting down coal plants to RAISE electricity prices by 4% this year and another 13% by 2020
Kerry Says–Wrongly–Some Temperatures This Week Broke ‘Every Record That’s Ever Been Seen’
Geochemist: Chilling the melting Antarctic hysteria – ‘Thawing of glaciers is historically followed by refreezing’
Carbon dioxide added to the atmosphere by man’s activities since 1950 (the post-World War II industrial expansion) has contributed little to global-scale warming compared with natural processes that dominate climate. Increasing carbon dioxide and slowly melting ice do not signal the imminent destruction of the West Antarctic Ice Shelf, as a New York Times reporter […]
Politico: Red State, Blue State, Hot State, Cold State: ‘States facing most warming tend to vote for Dems, while states facing least tend to vote Republican’
Survey: Climate Change Now More Divisive Than Abortion, Gun Control & Death Penalty