Flashback 1971: Hansen’s climate model says ice age to occur by 2021, ‘no need to worry about CO2’

Flashback: Hansen’s climate model says ice age to occur by 2021, ‘no need to worry about CO2’ http://hockeyschtick.blogspot.com/2014/05/flashback-hansens-climate-model-says.html Flashback from the Washington Times, July 9, 1971, a NASA scientist using a “computer program developed by Dr. James Hansen” predicted an ice age would occur within 50-60 years. According to Hansen’s computer model, “they found no […]

‘Reminds me about the time of McCarthy’: Climate scientist Dr. Lennart Bengtsson — who converted from warmist to skeptic – resigns from skeptical group after ‘enormous group pressure’ from warmists – Now ‘worried about my health and safety’ – ‘Colleagues are withdrawing from joint authorship’

http://klimazwiebel.blogspot.com/2014/05/lennart-bengtsson-leaves-advisory-board.html?spref=tw In an e-mail to GWPF, Lennart Bengtsson gas declared his resignation of the advisory hoard of GWPF. His letter reads : “I have  been put under such an enormous group pressure in recent days  from all over the world that  has become virtually unbearable to me. If this is going to continue I will […]