‘Today’s scare of the day is that Antarctica is going to collapse and drown us all – in about 1,000 years. Scientists told exactly the same story in 1922’
Scientists Recycling Scare Stories http://stevengoddard.wordpress.com/2014/05/12/scientists-recycling-scare-stories Today’s scare of the day is that Antarctica is going to collapse and drown us all – in about 1,000 years. Scientists told exactly the same story in 1922 29 Apr 1922 – ANOTHER FLOOD Sent by gReader Pro
Antarctic Sea Ice Coverage Continues To Break Records
Fritz Vahrenholt Labels IPCC “Doomsday, Panic-Spreaders…Alarmists”…”Will Have To Bear Ethical Responsibility”
Fritz Vahrenholt Labels IPCC “Doomsday, Panic-Spreaders…Alarmists”…”Will Have To Bear Ethical Responsibility” http://notrickszone.com/2014/05/12/fritz-vahrenholt-labels-ipcc-doomsday-panic-spreaders-alarmists-will-have-to-bear-ethical-responsibility/ Skeptic site Die kalte Sonne here features a video with leading German IPCC critic Fritz Vahrenholt taking part in a heated podium discussion last month. The event was held by the Steiermark Chamber of Commerce (WKO) in Graz, Austria. The topic: “Climate change under […]
Prof. Pielke Jr. On Obama Climate report: ‘That didn’t last long. The NCA bump, and now back to regularly scheduled programming’
That didn’t last long. The NCA bump, and now back to regularly scheduled programming: http://www.google.com/trends/explore#q=climate%20change%2C%20national%20climate%20assessment&geo=US&date=today%201-m&cmpt=q https://twitter.com/RogerPielkeJr/status/465873302125162497
NYT’s Revkin on Antarctic sea level scare study: ‘Awful misuse of “Collapse” in headlines on centuries-long ice loss in W. Antarctica. See rates in papers. Same as ’09’
UK Guardian: ‘Climate Change’ to Blame for Boko Haram and Nigerian Girls’ Kidnapping
The World’s Biggest Environmental Killer: Indoor Air Pollution
Study: Himalayan Glaciers not Disappearing After All
Is climate change making Earth ‘EXPAND’? Melting ice sheets could be altering the shape of our planet
‘Climate’ a Huge Threat – to Democrats in Washington: The ‘country is dumbfounded that Obama defined climate change as the most pressing issue facing the country’