AP’s Seth Borenstein trumpets Obama Climate Report: ‘Borenstein is the national Chicken Little when it comes to the Church of Climate’
Obama goes solar — to power only 22 light bulbs?! Report: ‘White House installed enough solar panels ‘to power twenty-two 100-watt bulbs for 20 hours each day’
Report Reprinted From: http://www.climatechangedispatch.com/they-re-back-solar-panels-now-atop-the-white-house.html [Update: Article reprint below includes revised figures reflecting the corrected number of light bulbs that could be powered by the solar panels.] They’re Back! Solar Panels now atop the White House The Reprinted Article Below Was Written by CCD (Climate Change Dispatch) Editor on May 10 2014. Obama is officially the new Jimmy Carter […]
‘Obama spoke as if the earth, winds, and sky were simply elements to be manipulated at his whim, if only he could muster enough American tax dollars and the authority to tax energy consumption to his heart’s desire’
http://www.americanthinker.com/2014/05/tilting_at_climate_windmills.html Just who is this group which published the report, the National Climate Assessment? None other than an arm of the United States Global Change and Research Program. Its research is funded by federal dollars, and its findings incidentally promote the federal agenda which has lain dormant in this time since Barack’s ascendency which has cast […]
UK Guardian: Nigerian school girl kidnappings blamed on climate change – ‘Instability in Nigeria, however, has been growing steadily over the last decade – and one reason is climate change’
Meteorologist Joe Bastardi Rebuts Michael Mann & Fed Report: Historically ‘things were far worse than what they are now’ – ‘Why is it now Co2 when before it was just nature?’
Climatologist Dr. Tim Ball: ‘Water Is Replacing Climate As The Next False UN Environmental Resource Scare’
Obama clings to climate alarmism with National Climate Assessment
New Warmist claim: ‘How Global Warming Leaches Nutrients Out of Food’
Heartland’s James Taylor Debunks Obama’s Climate Report on The Mark Levin Show
Michael Mann: It’s game over for the Keystone pipeline