‘The Himalayan glacier melt really was the least of the errors’ – UN IPCC Lead Author Dr. Richard Tol turns on UN: ‘The IPCC does not guard itself against selection bias and group think’ – ‘Alarmism feeds polarization. Climate zealots want to burn heretics of global warming on a stick’

Statement by Dr. Richard Tol IPCC again http://richardtol.blogspot.com/2014/04/ipcc-again.html In September 2013, I stepped down from the team that prepared the draft of the Summary for Policy Makers to the Fifth Assessment Report (AR5) of Working Group II of the Intergovernmental Panel on Climate Change (IPCC). This attracted worldwide media attention in April 2014. Regrettably, the […]

‘Greens Are Reds’ – ‘And Republicans need to prove it to voters’

They regard industrialization as retrograde, resource extraction as evil, and human beings as net destroyers of the planet. I remember several years ago reading an article by a prominent environmentalist who said Earth’s greatest problem is that mankind has no natural predator. href=”http://spectator.org/articles/58755/greens-are-reds”>http://spectator.org/articles/58755/greens-are-reds Bb