7th International Non-Alarmist Climate Conference Sells Out! Yet Not A Single German Media Outlet Shows Up
Warmist Media Matters: 10 Ways Conservatives Celebrate Earth Day: ‘Fox News frequent Marc Morano hyped a piece by Roy Spencer that equated climate science to a ‘religion’
Luke-Warmist Keith Kloor: ‘The person who works hardest to reinforce (the skeptic) message is Marc Morano. He gleefully pollutes the climate conversation dozens of times on a daily basis’
‘The Rise And Fall Of Earth Day, A Day No One Notices Anymore’ – ‘The environmental machine has now become a tool of common oppression’
Warmist Paul Ehrlich: ‘Lack of a sense of urgency and deep, pervasive ignorance can partially explain why even universities are failing to take significant action to help avoid disaster’
Wash Times Features Climate Depot: ‘The global-warming apocalypses that didn’t happen’
Study: Greenland remained stable for 2.7 million years ‘even during the warmest periods’ – Published in the journal Science
Greenland remained stable for 2.7 million years “even during the warmest periods” http://sunshinehours.wordpress.com/2014/04/23/greenland-remained-stable-for-2-7-million-years-even-during-the-warmest-periods/ 2.7-Million-Year-Old Forested Landscape Discovered under Greenland Ice Sheet “We found organic soil that has been frozen to the bottom of the ice sheet for 2.7 million years,” said Dr Paul Bierman, a geologist with the University of Vermont and the lead author of […]
Alpine Glaciers Were Of Similar Size During Medieval Warm Period, New Study Finds
Alpine Glaciers Were Of Similar Size During Medieval Warm Period, New Study Finds http://www.thegwpf.org/alpine-glaciers-were-of-similar-size-during-medieval-warm-period-new-study-finds/ A new paper published in The Cryosphere reconstructs Alpine glacier fluctuations over the past 1600 years and finds glacier lengths of 7 Alpine glaciers were similar during the Medieval Warm Period and the end of the 20th century. The paper uses […]
UN IPCC Scientists Licking Wounds After Governments Change UN Climate Report: ‘A strikingly large amount of scientific material was stripped out. The whole IPCC process is kind of unbelievable.’
IPCC Scientists Licking Wounds After Governments Change UN Climate Report http://www.thegwpf.org/ipcc-scientists-licking-wounds-after-governments-change-un-climate-report/ ‘A strikingly large amount of scientific material was stripped out. The whole IPCC process is kind of unbelievable.’ It has been more than a week since a U.N. panel released a major report on mitigating climate change, but some scientists who helped write a key summary say […]
‘The New Abolitionism’: ‘Averting planetary disaster will mean forcing fossil fuel companies to give up at least $10 trillion in wealth’