Prof. Roger Pielke Jr: ‘There have only been 20 EF1+ tornadoes observed so far this year (lowest since 1953). The average by Apr 21 is 157’
There have only been 20 EF1+ tornadoes observed so far this year (lowest since 1953). The average by Apr 21 is 157–>
Pot Growers Now Using Energy-Saving, Climate-Friendly Lighting For Indoor Growing, German Daily Reports Pot Growers Now Using Energy-Saving, Climate-Friendly Lighting For Indoor Growing, German Daily Reports Pot Growers Now Using Energy-Saving, Climate-Friendly Lighting For Indoor Growing, German Daily Reports Berlin’s leftist, climate-cultie TAZ here reports on how indoor pot growers are switching over to LED lighting to grow their clandestine cannabis. Like, we’re saving the planet too, […]
Warmist claim: ‘Sea level rise is already happening, and its continuation is inevitable’ – Reality Check: ‘Sea level has been rising for 20,000 years – when it was 120 metres lower and people walked across the Bering Strait. It has nothing to do with Mann-made CO2’
Unprecedented Low Tornado Activity Continues: ‘2012 was the slowest tornado year on record until it was beaten by 2013 – and 2014 is tied with 2013 so far’
Greg Carbine of NOAA’s Storm Prediction Center (SPC): ‘Likely the slowest start to tornado activity in any year in modern record, and possibly nearly a century!’
U. S. in ‘strong tornado drought’ – ‘At 152 days on April 18, 2014, the span between EF-3 or stronger tornadoes is the 4th longest span between in the last 60 years’
Flashback1921: Global Warming And Drought Caused Avalanches, Glacial Melt, And Snake Bites
Flashback 1914: Royal Geographical Society: ‘Is the world drying up?’ – ‘Professor Gregory said that in recent years they had often been warned that a great climatic change was now carrying the world, slowly and irresistibly, towards world-wide drought.’ The Mercury Saturday 6 June 1914 Professor J. W. Gregory, F.R.S., has discussed a most interesting problem before the Royal Geographical Society—Is the world drying up? “Professor Gregory said that in recent years they had often been warned that a great climatic change was now carrying the world, slowly and irresistibly, towards world-wide drought. […]
Bjørn Lomborg: ‘Climate policies can end up costing more than 11% of world’s GDP’ – ‘We ought never to have entertained the notion that the world’s greatest challenge could be to reduce temperature rises in our generation by a fraction of a degree’ Lomborg Excerpt: We live in a world where one in six deaths are caused by easily curable infectious diseases; one in eight deaths stem from air pollution, mostly from cooking indoors with dung and twigs; and billions of people live in abject poverty, with no electricity and little food. We ought never to have […]
New Study by Dr. Indur Goklany: ‘Global Warming Policies Might Be Bad for Your Health’ – ‘Issues of poverty like malnutrition and unsafe water have a global impact of death and disease 70 times larger than that of theoretical climate change’