‘Ridiculous’: Administration punts on Keystone, Obama faces Dem revolt
That didn’t take long: Blaming Everest Avalanche on Climate Change – ‘Many Sherpas insist that Mount Everest and other mountains in the area have become more dangerous because of climate change’
Leftist Guardian to Any Global Warming Skeptic: Shut Up
Claim: ‘We don’t value food because it’s not expensive enough’
State Department To Delay Keystone XL Pipeline Decision Until After November
State Department To Delay Keystone XL Pipeline Decision Until After November http://thinkprogress.org/climate/2014/04/18/3428625/keystone-delay-midterms/ President Barack Obama arriving at the TransCanada Stillwater Pipe Yard in Cushing, Okla. CREDIT: AP Photo/Pablo Martinez The State Department will “extend the government comment period on the Keystone XL pipeline, likely postponing a final decision on the controversial project until after the […]
Climate change believers are using ‘medieval’ tactics to silence debate says Attorney General of Australia George Brandis
Climate change believers are using ‘medieval’ tactics to silence debate says George Brandis http://joannenova.com.au/2014/04/climate-change-believers-are-using-mediaeval-tactics-to-silence-debate-says-george-brandis/ How loaded and vitriolic the conversation is about the weather. Too loaded. George Brandis describes how the left have stopped arguing for free speech and instead do everything to silence different views. He was shocked, he said, at the deplorable attitudes […]
NYT Tom Friedman ‘solution’ for global warming: ‘The first thing we would do is actually slash income taxes and corporate taxes and replace them with a carbon tax so we actually encourage people to stop doing what we don’t want’
New paper finds sea levels were much higher than the present during almost all prior interglacials over past 5.3 million years – Published in Nature
New paper finds sea levels were much higher than the present during almost all prior interglacials over past 5.3 million years http://hockeyschtick.blogspot.com/2014/04/new-paper-finds-sea-levels-were-much.html A paper published today in Nature reconstructs sea levels over the past 5.3 million years and shows that sea levels were higher than the present during almost every interglacial period over the past […]
Climatologist: ‘A Clear Example of UN IPCC Ideology Trumping Fact’
MSM’s Reporters Committee for Freedom of the Press calls Mann e-mail case decision ‘VERY CONCERNING.’
MSM’s Reporters Committee for Freedom of the Press calls Mann e-mail case decision ‘VERY CONCERNING.’ http://goo.gl/ASIwjp https://twitter.com/JunkScience/status/457172137233887232