Debate! High school students hear two sides of global warming debate – ‘Climate change is natural; not man made’
Highest Global Sea Ice For This Day in 30 years – Over 1 Million Sq Km Above Normal
Sea Ice Update April 17 2014 – Highest Global Sea Ice For This Day in 30 years – Over 1 Million Sq Km Above Normal A quick update for sea ice extent: Global Sea Ice Extent is 1,088,000 sq km above the 1981-2010 mean. That is ranked 3 for the day. Antarctic Sea Ice […]
Cal Thomas Touts Climate Depot in nationally syndicated column! – ‘Climate change cult has to shout louder to be heard amid public skepticism’
Antarctic sea ice demolishing old records: ‘Setting new all-time daily records’
Antarctic sea ice demolishing old records Setting new all-time daily records Antarctic sea ice continues to grow at an alarming rate, says reader Chris Beal. It’s now 1,636,000 sq km above average, and continues to set new all-time daily records. The amount of Sea Ice not for this Day/Days has never before seen in […]
Mark Steyn on Michael Mann court ruling: ‘Help Win One for Free Speech’
Warmist at Grist Mag.: ‘Is climate change the new slavery?’ ‘Like our future under climate change, slavery was a human-designed global tragedy that lasted centuries, displaced tens of millions of people, and reorganized the wealth and demographics of the planet’
New paper finds worldwide glacier retreat has decelerated since 1950 – Published in The Cryosphere
Al Gore in Hawaii calls skeptics ‘immoral, unethical and despicable.’ Claims warmists ‘are going to win this thing.’
Al Gore in Hawaii calls skeptics ‘immoral, unethical and despicable.’ Claims warmists ‘are going to win this thing.’
New paper finds sea levels were significantly higher than the present for ~10,000 years during the last interglacial – Published in Quaternary Research
Study reconstructs sea levels in the Arabian/Persian Gulf over the past 200,000 years and finds that during the last interglacial [Eemian, MIS 5.1-5.5 below] around 120,000 years ago, sea levels were as much as 5 meters [16 feet] higher than the present for around 10,000 years. The authors find this sea level rise was almost […]