Bill McKibben Gets It Right For Once! Warmists should go ‘on strike’: ‘We keep being told ‘the science is settled’, so why is there any more need to throw billions into more research?’

Weepy Bill Gets It Right For Once!

By Paul Homewood
For once, it seems, Weepy Bill McKibben has made a sensible suggestion:
So at this point it’s absurd to keep asking the scientific community to churn out more reports. In fact, it might almost be more useful if they went on strike: until you pay attention to what we’ve already told you, we won’t be telling you more. Work with what you’ve got.
Without realising it, he has actually hit the nail on the head. We keep being told “the science is settled”, so why is there any more need to throw billions into more research?
Unfortunately, when there are such lavish grants on offer, I somehow don’t think many “scientists” will be taking him up on his offer!

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