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Can a carbon tax save baseball bats? ‘An unlikely victim of climate change: NY Yankees’ Derek Jeter’s favorite baseball bat’ — ‘Thriving in warmer winters, a beetle threatens a key source of Major League’s cherished wood bats’ Excerpt: The crack of bats this time of year means two things: Baseball is back and winter is over. But Major League Baseball’s spring soundtrack relies heavily on wood from white ash trees treasured for strength and flexibility. And it may soon sound different as a tiny beetle threatens the northern Pennsylvania stands […]

New Study: Polar Bears Survived Previous Warm Periods – ‘It seems logical that if polar bears survived previous warm, ice-free periods, they could survive another’ – Published in Journal of Heredity

New Study: Polar Bears Survived Previous Warm Periods The evolutionary history of the polar bear includes a common ancestor with black and brown bears. Studies show that black and brown bears split first as separate species, and then polar bears separated from brown bears. What currently occupies evolutionary biologists is the question of how […]