Are humans Earth’s biggest enemy? Debate over whether we have destroyed the planet since mankind’s birth rages at conference
Arnold Schwarzenegger ‘linked to destructive logging companies’
‘Nate Silver goes from hero to goat, convicted by the Left of apostasy’
Lake Superior: ‘First time since WWII that volume of ice has been so great, a caravan of cutters has been needed to assist ships’
Warm, Cold, Dry,Wet? It’s All your Fault Anyway! – UK Guardian: ‘Climate change will make UK weather too wet and too dry, says Met Office’
Warm, Cold, Dry,Wet? It’s All your Fault Anyway! By Paul Homewood As Tallbloke has pointed out, this report seems to have been leaked to the Met Office’s friends, the BBC & Guardian, even though there is nothing on their own website. There is, in fact, nothing new in the report, […]
Great Lakes Ice Obliterates All Records: ‘Ice cover is almost 400% of normal’