Hiroshima-Bomb Heat-Clock Fraud …Claim 2.1 Billion Climate Ground-Zeros, Yet Can’t Find A Single One Of Them!

SkS Hiroshima-Bomb Heat-Clock Fraud …Claim 2.1 Billion Climate Ground-Zeros, Yet Can’t Find A Single One Of Them! http://notrickszone.com/2014/03/22/sks-hiroshima-bomb-heat-clock-fraud-claim-2-1-billion-climate-ground-zeros-yet-cant-find-a-single-one-of-them/ The alarmists at Skeptical Science put up a “Hiroshima Bomb Heat Clock” claiming that the earth’s climate system has “accumulated” over 2 billion Hiroshima bombs worth of thermonuclear heat since 1998. This heat, they say, will pop out […]

Chilean newspaper Credits ‘Celebrity skeptic’ Morano with Fueling Growing Climate Skepticism: ‘Morano is one of the main leaders of the new breed of climate skeptics’

Via (awkward) Google translation: http://translate.google.com/translate?sl=auto&tl=en&js=n&prev=_t&hl=en&ie=UTF-8&u=http%3A%2F%2Fwww.entornointeligente.com%2Farticulo%2F2210148%2FCHILE-Los-acelerados-escepticos-del-cambio-climatico-17032014 the third / THE JOURNAL (By José Miguel Jaque. – Daily newspaper La Tercera, Chile (www.latercera.com) Newsweek said in 2009 that Marc Morano, Climate Depot founder of the blog, was becoming the “king of the skeptics” and his website was one of the main mechanisms to cast doubt on the work of scientists climate. But being […]