Analysis: Warmist Dana Nuccitelli’s unremarkable global warming predictions debunked

Dana’s unremarkable global warming predictions debunked Paid CAGW propagandist Dana Nuccitelli has an article today in the Guardian and at the SS site gushing about a paper published in 1972 he claims made “a remarkably accurate global warming prediction” “of the next 30 years.” However, examination of the paper reveals complete ignorance of the logarithmically […]

Warmists upset: ‘Climate Denier’ Jim Inhofe Says He Could Lead Senate’s Top Environment Committee Next Year

Climate Denier Jim Inhofe Says He Could Lead Senate’s Top Environment Committee Next Year Sen. James Inhofe (R-OK) If Republicans gain control of the Senate in the upcoming midterm elections, Senator James Inhofe (R-OK) believes that he will lead the Environment and Public Works Committee. Inhofe made the comments to 50 plant managers in […]

Climatologist Dr. Roger Pielke Sr.: ‘This AAAS report is an embarrassment to the scientific community’ – Declares report includes ‘blatant advocacy and absurd statements’

Roger A. Pielke Sr. says: March 18, 2014 at 1:28 pm I recommend readers look at the minority AGU Statement I prepared and contrast that with the AAAS report’s statements in My statement is Pielke Sr., R.A. 2013: Humanity Has A Significant Effect on Climate – The AGU Community Has The Responsibility To Accurately Communicate The […]