Worrying about climate: The new mental health burden
Federal gov’t spends $20+ billion annually on global warming
WSJ: Senate Climate Dodge: Tom Steyer gives $50 million and all he gets is a lousy all-nighter
NASA-funded study: Industrial civilization may be headed for ‘irreversible collapse’ due to ‘increasingly unequal wealth distribution’
Geologist Sebastian Lüning: Scientific Evidence Showing Sun/Oceans As Primary Climate Drivers Is ‘Massive, Overwhelming’!
13-Year Old Boys Can’t Sleep to Due AGW Fears: ‘He thinks the world is doomed…It’s keeping him up at night.’
Via: http://blogs.discovermagazine.com/collideascape/2014/03/14/11/#.UyNAgfmwIRo If kids today have a greater awareness at a younger age of environmental issues, it’s probably because many schools have made earth science a part of the educational curriculum in earlier grades. For example, the fourth grade students in my son’s Brooklyn public school just performed in a recital called, “A musical journey through […]
Four Reasons Why The Environment Movement Is Losing The Battle For Hearts And Minds: ‘Every great cause begins as a movement, becomes a business, and eventually degenerates into a racket’
Four Reasons Why The Environment Movement Is Losing The Battle For Hearts And Minds http://www.thegwpf.org/reasons-environment-movement-losing-battle-hearts-minds/ “Every great cause begins as a movement, becomes a business, and eventually degenerates into a racket,” Eric Hoffer wrote more than 40 years ago. It’s still anyone’s guess whether President Obama will approve the Keystone pipeline. Perhaps he will continue to […]
Peggy Noonan: ‘What is our foreign policy? Disliking global warming?’
Investor’s Business Daily: Dems climate talkathon “was just an attempt to draw attention to a pseudo problem”
Investor’s Business Daily: Dems climate talkathon “was just an attempt to draw attention to a pseudo problem” http://hockeyschtick.blogspot.com/2014/03/investors-business-daily-dems-climate.html Democrats, NASA Scientists And Global Warming 3/11/14 INVESTOR’S BUSINESS DAILY Hysterics: Democrats from the secretary of state to Senate lawmakers can’t let go of their climate change obsession. Meanwhile, a group of NASA scientists and engineers says […]
Must Watch Video: John Coleman of KUSI- How the Global Warming Scare Began
Must Watch Video: John Coleman of KUSI- How the Global Warming Scare Began http://feedproxy.google.com/~r/blogspot/NWlS/~3/KdH9V8miPOo/must-watch-video-john-coleman-of-kusi.html A great scientist named Roger Revelle had Al Gore in his class at Harvard and the Global Warming campaign was born. Revelle tried to calm things down years later, but Gore said Revelle was senile and refused to debate. John Coleman […]