Sierra Club to #Up4Climate Senators: Don’t Forget About Population Control
White House on Democrats’ global-warming talkathon: We salute you
Calif. Dem Sen. Diane Feinstein claimed the planet is warming faster than ever
For latest on Senate all-nighter warmathon follow Climate Depot on Twitter:
Sen. Blumenthal says global warming will ‘destroy the planet.’ – Read up on early hours of Senate all-nigher warmathon/Yawnathon via JunkScience:
Follow JunkScience on Twitter: Warmist Sen. Kaine wrong about sea level rise on Virginia coast. Tidewater area sinking from groundwater depletion. Has any Senate Democrat not used a child/granchild as a human shield for warmist junk science? Meow… global warming such an emergency that Barbara Boxer says organizing fellow Democrats for Senate Yawnathon like […]
Senate Democrats Kick Off All-Nighter on Climate Change – Reid: We ‘standing up against the deniers.’
Marc Morano statement on Senate warmathon: ‘Climate skepticism would expand immeasurably if Democrats did this more often. What were they thinking?’ #up4Climate
More here: Warmathon – Watch Now: Climate Depot’s Morano of Fox News on Senate Dems climate All-Nighter: Morano: ‘This is Confusing…The Japanese government told their citizens to go to bed an hour early to fight global warming. But now we are being told to stay up all night to fight global warming’
Senate Democrats’ donor-friendly global warming show It could be that the Senate Democrats’ strategy is more about encouraging the White House to take unilateral executive action on the environment than it is about Senate Democrats sticking their necks out by supporting major legislation in an election year.
Sen. Inhofe: Obama Wasted $120 Billion on Global Warming Which Could Buy 1400 F-35s
Click to Watch Live: Dem Senators All-Night Warmathon