‘Condoms & Climate’: UC Berkeley Professor: A Condom Per Day Keeps Climate Change Away – ‘Humans have become more numerous than nature intended’
http://ecowatch.com/2014/02/28/condom-climate-change/ Excerpt: Weisman noted every 4.5 days a million people are added to the planet, saying “there is no question humans have become more numerous than nature intended.” In Potts’ opinion, family planning is the most cost-effective way to reduce carbon and that voluntary family planning services are in demand. There are 222 million women […]
Globalist eco-progressives getting pretty excited about their prospects for that 2015 global climate treaty
Pielke Jr. Fires Back at Holdren: ‘When a political appointee uses his position not just to disagree on science or policy but to seek to delegitimize a colleague, he has gone too far.’
Abuse of Power: ‘Roger Pielke Jr. slams John Holdren for his incompetence and abuse of power at the White House’
Michael Mann ADMITS: Climate-extreme weather link ‘is a SPECULATIVE & GENUINELY CONTROVERSIAL area of science.’
More here: http://news.discovery.com/earth/global-warming/this-wicked-winter-and-climate-change-140301.htm “This is a speculative and genuinely controversial area of the science,” said climate scientist Michael Mann of Penn State University. “There are some leading climate scientists who have provided evidence that climate change may be leading toward more persistent weather anomalies which can, for example, give the sort of extended periods of cold […]
Pielke Jr. Re-tweets: ‘I probably would also get a good tax lawyer’
Pielke Jr.: ‘When the White House publishes an error-strewn 6-pg attack on you, should you feel (a) flattered, (b) intimidated, (c) happy to have tenure?’
Holdren’s ‘epic fail’ on extreme weather claims: Hurricanes, tornadoes, at or near record lows
Via Real Science: The Past Five Years Have Been The Quietest On Record For US Hurricane Strikes The 2013 Atlantic Hurricane Season Was The Quietest In Decades US Tornadoes Well Below Normal, After The Two Quietest Years On Record
George Will: ‘Climate alarmism validates the progressive impulse to micromanage others’ lives’
Dissent Will Not Be Tolerated: Obama Science Czar John Holdren Smears Prof. Pielke Jr. For Daring to Challenge Extreme Weather Claims – Pielke Accuses Holdren of ‘seeking to delegitimize a colleague’
Pielke Jr. To Holdren: ‘Your characterization of my views as lying “outside the scientific mainstream” is odd because the views that I expressed in my testimony are entirely consonant with those of the IPCC (2012, 2013) and those of the US government’s USGCRP. Indeed, much of my testimony involved reviewing the recent findings of […]