Another cause of ‘pause’?! New Study: ‘Smell of forest pine can limit climate change’ – ‘Pine forest smell could be the smell that actually limits climate change from reaching such levels that it could become really a problem in the world’
More BBC article excerpts: These aerosols have confounded climate models as scientists haven’t been able to accurately predict how many of the particles form. Now an international team of researchers say they have solved the chemical mystery by which the rich odours become reflective, cooling particles. They’ve long understood that the smell of pine, made up of volatile […]
Arnold Schwarzenegger: Conservatives can terminate climate change
Warmists upset: Claim: Reuters’ Climate Coverage Continues To Decline Under ‘Skeptic’ Editor
Paper: If Democrats Believed In Global Warming, They’d Nominate Gore
Dr. Roy Spencer Responds to ADL: ‘I am calling out the ADL for not denouncing the widespread use of Nazi Holocaust imagery in public statements made by journalists, politicians, and even some scientists’
Via Dr. Spencer: I have been forwarded from a journalist this ADL statement, apparently issued yesterday: February 25, 2014, Atlanta, Georgia … The Anti-Defamation League (ADL) today denounced remarks by University of Alabama professor Roy Spencer who wrote on his blog that those who refer to him as a climate change “denier” should be called […]
Total Horsesh*t! ADL goes after skeptical Climatologist Dr. Roy Spencer for use of ‘analogy of proponents of global warming to Nazis’ – ADL calls it ‘outrageous and deeply offensive’
Article excerpt: A climate research professor at the University of Alabama in Huntsville today defended his use of the term “Nazi” in a blog post, saying he was responding to ridicule that had Nazi overtones. Roy Spencer, who acknowledges his views on climate change are frequently contrary to more widespread views that humans are most responsible […]
Obama’s science czar Holdren says Dr. Pielke Jr. & Dr. Spencer’s extreme weather views outside the ‘mainstream scientific opinion’
Chris Horner, FOIA watchdog, demands transparency from government’s global warming advocates
Are you a climate ‘denier’ Nazi!? Warmists declare: ‘Nuremberg-style trials must be held for senior corporate and political executives responsible for crimes against humanity and planet that almost defy belief’
Article via: – Media Lens is a UK-based media watchdog group headed by David Edwards and David Cromwell. The second Media Lens book, Newspeak: In the 21st Century by David Edwards and David Cromwell, was published in 2009 by Pluto Press. Read other articles by Media Lens, or visit Media Lens’s website. This article was posted on Tuesday, February 25th, 2014 at […]
Analysis: ‘Blaming storms on human industry is as backward as blaming them on gays’ – ‘The eco-hysteria of blaming mankind for the floods’