Almost everything the media tells you about skeptics is wrong: they’re engineers and hard scientists. They like physics too.

Almost everything the media tells you about skeptics is wrong: they’re engineers and hard scientists. They like physics too. In the mainstream media, skeptics are called Flat-Earthers, Deniers, and ideologues who deny basic physics. So it’s no surprise that they are exactly the opposite. A recent survey of 5,286 readers of leading skeptical blogs […]

Stephen Schneider Went From Cooling Alarmist To Warming Alarmist In Just Four Years!

Schneider as a 1977 global cooling alarmist:   1981 : global warming alarmist – Published: August 22, 1981:  A team of Federal scientists says it has detected an overall warming trend in the earth’s atmosphere extending back to the year 1880. They regard this as evidence of the validity of the ”greenhouse” effect, in which increasing […]