Utah lawmaker: Our atmosphere needs more carbon dioxide – ‘Bill would exempt CO2, other ‘natural’ gases from regulation’
Are energy efficient homes making us ILL? Toxic mold caused by poor air circulation could trigger ‘sick building syndrome’
Esquire Mag. joins doomsday cult: ‘How We’re Fked As A Species’ – ‘Centuries from now, when the several remaining humans are huddled around a dwindling fire and pondering how each of them will kill the others and eat their still-warm flesh’
Billionaire Democrat donor Tom Steyer plans to spend $100 million in mid-term elections ‘to enact climate change measures through a hard-edge campaign of attack ads’
http://www.nytimes.com/2014/02/18/us/politics/financier-plans-big-ad-campaign-on-environment.html?ribbon-ad-idx=1&rref=politics&module=Ribbon&version=context®ion=Header&action=click&contentCollection=Politics&pgtype=article Excerpts from Feb. 18, 2014 NYT article: Targets include the governor’s race in Florida, where the incumbent, Rick Scott, a first-term Republican, has said he does not believe that science has established that climate change is man-made. Mr. Steyer’s group is also looking at the Senate race in Iowa, in the hope that a win […]
Gingrich calls for ‘delusional’ Sec. John Kerry to resign for calling global warming the ‘world’s most fearsome weapon of mass destruction’
Shock news: No snow on the ground just before the 1980 winter Olympics in Lake Placid
1932 shock news: No snow just before the winter Olympics – ‘High temperatures and lack of snow’
Matt Ridley: They ridiculed skeptics. The skeptics were right.
Flashback 2000 New York Times: ‘Sledding and snowball fights are as out-of-date as hoop-rolling’ – Blame lack of snow on ‘global warming’
New York Times – January 15, 2000 Via Haunting the Library website: Dr Michael Oppenheimer of the Environmental Defense Fund was interviewed by the New York times in January 2000 as part of an article on the recent run of mild winters. As the article, which was about the ‘absence of snow’ in New York, […]
On Fox, Brent Bozell Reveals Dramatic Sunday Climate Change ‘Tsunami’ of Hype
1932 shock news: No snow just before the winter Olympics – ‘High temperatures and lack of snow’
More on 1932 Olympics here. Shock news: No snow on the ground just before the 1980 winter Olympics in Lake Placid