Why get vasectomy to save planet guy Eric Holthaus took the bus instead of flying to an annual weather meeting: ‘I Spent 28 Hours on a Bus. I Loved It’
Sen. Inhofe warns EPA regulations could cause winter blackouts – Inhofe ‘to introduce a bill that would allow states to opt-out of EPA regs on power plants’
Mitt Romney becomes warmist again! Resurrects his Massachusetts stance on global warming – ‘Now sounds more Al Gore than Bain Capital’
Actor Robert Redford claims Keystone would ‘significantly worsen carbon pollution and the very real harm to our health’
New ‘Sierra Club national survey’ Finds Most Voters Want EPA To Limit Carbon Pollution From Power Plants
Warmer Waters during Medieval Warm Period: 20 researchers report that ‘in recent decades temperatures have been similar to those inferred for the ‘Medieval Climate Anomaly’
U. S. Auto Sales for January Held Down by Harsh Winter Weather
‘China added equivalent of ALL U.S. coal-fired power plants in just 5 years (2005-2009)’
Anti-Keystone XL pipeline protests across the U.S. met with cold weather, snow