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New York Magazine: ANTI-KEYSTONE MOVEMENT WAS ‘A GIGANTIC MISTAKE’: ‘The anti-Keystone movement was an accident. Indeed, the environmentalists’ obsession with Keystone began as a gigantic mistake’

‘…if your goal is to limit greenhouse-gas emissions, you need to have a strategy designed to advance policies that limit greenhouse-gas emissions. Stopping Keystone doesn’t do that. EPA regulations would. Would blocking the Keystone pipeline make it easier for Obama to issue tough regulations on existing power plants, and to negotiate an international climate treaty in […]

AGW claims: ‘Refuting the If 99 doctors said…’You would not accept the computer-based medical diagnosis from a model that cannot simulate basic bodily functions and processes’

Imagine you’re running a persistent slight fever. You visit a new clinic. The nurse takes your vitals and enters them into a computer program. A short time after the computer model completes its simulations, the doctor arrives, advises you of the computer-diagnosed ailment, and prescribes controversial high-cost medications and treatment. You’re not comfortable with the […]

Antarctic Sea Ice Extent is 26% above normal as of Jan 30 2014: ‘On track to have the highest minimum in the modern satellite era’

Antarctic Sea Ice Extent is 26% above normal as of Jan 30 2014 Antarctic Sea Ice Extent  is even more on track to have the highest minimum in the modern satellite era. Antarctic Sea Ice Extent as of Jan 30 2014 was 950,000 sq km above the 1981-2010 mean and 220,000 sq km above […]