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Former NASA scientist James Hansen: ‘Climate change is altering people’s lives, right now, from the United States to Africa to the Arctic. It is as clear and present a danger as we’ve ever seen’ — Hansen: ‘What we owe our kids on climate; – ‘This warming is driving an increase in extreme weather, from heat waves and droughts to wildfires and stronger storms (though mistakenly expecting science to instantly document links to specific events misses the forest for the trees).’
Oil sands not a major source of climate change, says IEA economist
Keystone XL Pipeline: “No Material Impact” on U.S. Carbon Dioxide Emissions
IHS CERA Study: Keystone XL will have ”no material impact’ on greenhouse gas emissions – Finds: Keystone XL will have “no material impact” on greenhouse gas emissions. Venezuela will be “the number one beneficiary of a negative decision” on Keystone XL. – Rail is a viable option for transporting Canadian oil sands: “Even if new pipelines lag oil sands growth, rail will fill the gap, as it is doing today.” – “Even if the Keystone XL pipeline does not move forward, we do not expect a material change to oil sands production growth.”
Watch Now: Morano on TV on NASA’s retired ex-con James Hansen: ‘Hansen saying the Keystone pipeline means ‘game over’ for climate, is a fancy way of saying it’s ‘game over’ for what little credibility Hansen had left when it came to climate science’ — Morano: ‘The words ‘nonsense’ and ‘James Hansen’ literally go hand and hand as often as you can put them together…In Jan 2009, Hansen said Obama had 4 years left to save the planet. That deadline expired in Jan 2013. Now Hansen joins the failed Mayan doomsday calendar…No one is sitting in the U.S. other than the elite media and Bill Mckibben, listening to a word Hansen has to say these days. Even the left cringes when Hansen speaks’