Will the U.S. Follow? Cheers! Climate skepticism blamed as UK slashes spending on global warming by 41%
Owen Paterson has been accused of “incredible complacency” over climate change after new figures showed his department has slashed spending on helping Britain cope with global warming. The Department for Environment, Food & Rural Affairs (Defra) will spend just £17.2m on domestic “climate change initiatives” this financial year, a 41 per cent decline on the […]
Watch Now: Alex Epstein on Stossel: ‘I Love Fossil Fuels’ – ‘The fossil fuel industry is not taking a safe climate and making it dangerous. They are taking a dangerous climate and making it safe’
Watch Video here.
Global Warming Scientist Michael Mann To Be Cross-examined Under Oath
Morano v. Bill Nye Debate Re-Airs Tonight (Sunday) on Fox News Channel at 10pm ET! Great global warming debate rebroadcast at 10PM ET on Stossel
Churches Canceling Services Following Snow, Bitter Cold: ‘We’ll just worship in our homes the way the early Christians did’
Extreme Climate Change From CO2? No New Continent ‘Hottest’ Temperature Records Since 1978
All-Time Record Florida Snow Possible During Obama’s State of Union Speech
New EU survey: Only 4% of Europeans think that climate change is a major issue facing the European Union
Former chief research scientist of Aussie’s CSIRO Division of Atmospheric Research Gareth Paltridge: Global Warming ‘Pause’ Risks Destroying The Reputation Of Science
The trap was fully sprung when many of the world’s major national academies of science (such as the … Australian Academy of Science) persuaded themselves to issue reports giving support to the conclusions of the IPCC. The reports were touted as national assessments that were supposedly independent of the IPCC and of each other, but […]
Settled Science: New paper finds effect of man on climate is ‘highly uncertain’ – Published in Science
One of several reasons for this high uncertainty is the complexity of determining the cooling effects of aerosols, which reflect sunlight back to space, and can also seed cloud formation. According to the authors, “Aerosols counteract part of the warming effects of greenhouse gases, mostly by increasing the amount of sunlight reflected back to space. However, […]