UK Daily Mail: Is a mini ice age on the way? Scientists warn the Sun has ‘gone to sleep’ and say it could cause temperatures to plunge
The rise and fall of the Hockey Stick and Mann-made global warming alarm – A Definitive Summary of Mann’s claims
Related Links: Climategate’s Michael Mann finally getting recognition he deserves: Fellow warmist describes Mann’s latest papers as ‘a crock of sh*t’ – Mann fumes, calls his warmist colleague Wilson a “denier” — Then deletes Tweet – But other warmists have questioned Mann: Climategaters admit Mann’s hokey stick on ‘dodgy ground.’ Climategater says Mann ‘padded’ data. Flashback: ClimateGate scientists […]
‘The Invisible Judith Curry’: ‘A bona fide climate scientist tells US Senators we have no idea whether human-caused global warming will be a serious problem. The media doesn’t report it.’
U.S. 2.04°F Below Normal – NOAA U.S. December 2013 – 98 Decembers Were Warmer
Via: 2.04°F Below Normal – NOAA (National Oceanic and Atmospheric Administration) USA December 2013 – 98 Decembers Were Warmer Filed under: NOAA,USA — sunshinehours1 @ 8:06 AM According to the NOAA, December 2013 was only the 21st warmest out of 119. That means 98 Decembers (out of 119) were warmer. The 5 warmest Decembers were 1939, 1957, 1933, 1941 and 1946. […]
2010 UN IPCC scientist Ben Santer video: ‘Blogging is affecting me profoundly. Obviously, Mr. McIntyre has profoundly affected my life’
Geologist Dr. Don Easterbrook: Cause of ‘the pause’ in global warming
Flashback 1992 New York Times: ‘Scientists Suggest Global Warming Could Hasten the Next Ice Age’
Geologist Dr. David Deming: ‘If the current cooling trend continues, the theory of global warming faces imminent extinction’
Flashback 2006: David Deming testifies to U.S. Senate: ‘I had another interesting experience around the time my paper in Science was published. I received an astonishing email from a major researcher in the area of climate change. He said, ‘We have to get rid of the Medieval Warm Period.’ Full Committee Hearing on […]
Peer reviewed Magazine axed after Skeptic Paper Accepted
Via: The Climate Sceptics Party – Peer reviewed Magazine axed after Skeptic Paper Accepted. Retraction Watch reports: (link) “CLIMATE SKEPTIC” JOURNAL SHUTTERED FOLLOWING “MALPRACTICE” IN “NEPOTISTIC” REVIEWER SELECTIONS The publisher of a journal apparently favored by climate change skeptics has shuttered it, saying that the editors changed the aim of the title and committed malpractice by […]