Yale Poll: Climate Change Disbelief Rises in America
Canada’s Liberal Party Leader Justin Trudeau admires China’s ‘dictatorship’ for its ‘flexibility’ & green policies: ‘There’s a level of admiration I actually have for China because their basic dictatorship is allowing them to actually turn their economy around on a dime and say ‘we need to go greenest, fastest, we need to invest in solar’
Gore says geo-engineering to head off climate disaster is ‘insane, utterly mad and delusional in the extreme’
Climate change could exacerbate drug smuggling and human trafficking
UN Says Lag in Confronting Climate Woes Will Be Costly
Antarctic Sea Ice Sets Yet Another Record For Expanding Ice
The earth continues to accumulate sea ice. Global sea ice area above normal for 50 consecutive days, since November 20, 2013 # With the South Pole well above average. Antarctic sea ice area above normal for 777 straight days, anomaly growing 20 Manhattans a day # December 31 Global Sea Ice Area (Both Arctic & […]
Senators duel over climate change: Obama was on the verge of spurring the ‘biggest regulatory avalanche in U.S. history.’
Sen. David Vitter, R-La., said Obama was on the verge of spurring the “biggest regulatory avalanche in U.S. history.” Sen. John Barrasso, R-Wyo., accused the EPA of working “to wipe out coal and eventually natural gas.” “It is clear that this EPA and this administration has an agenda, and that agenda is hurting jobs (and) […]
Climatologist Dr. Judith Curry’s at Senate hearing: ‘Attempts to modify the climate through reducing CO2 emissions may turn out to be futile’ – UN IPCC now making ‘a weaker case for anthropogenic global warming’
More coverage of Senate climate hearing here. (All witness testimony here) Link to Dr. Curry’s testimony: — PDF document STATEMENT TO THE COMMITTEE ON ENVIRONMENT AND PUBLIC WORKS OF THE UNITED STATES SENATE – Hearing on “Review of the President’s Climate Action Plan” -16 January 2014 – Judith A. Curry – Georgia Institute of Technology Selected Excerpts: Curry: I am Chair of the School […]