Global cooling? Jens Pedersen, UN IPCC reviewer & senior scientist at the Denmark’s Technical University: ‘We have to go back 100 years to find a solar maximum that was as weak as the one we are in right now’
Obama Science Adviser John Holdren: Global warming now means ‘more frequent cold snaps’
More Holdren Links: Flashback: Holdren ‘desperately needs remedial climate science education!’ Holdren ridiculed for claiming Arctic could be ICE FREE IN WINTER! This is who Romney seeks climate advice from?! Scientist Ridicules John Holdren: He ‘appears to have less scientific competence than most 1st graders’ — John Holdren in 2009: ‘If you lose the summer [Arcitc] […]
Flashback: John Holdren in 1971: ‘New ice age’ likely
John Holdren in 1971: “New ice age” likely Wed, Sep 16, 2009 at 1:53 pm In 1971, John Holdren edited and contributed an essay to a book entitled Global Ecology: Readings Toward a Rational Strategy for Man. He wrote (along with colleague Paul Ehrlich) the book’s sixth chapter, called “Overpopulation and the Potential for Ecocide.” (Click here to […]
Listen Now: Climate Depot’s Morano in radio interview: ‘Record cold in the U.S. — which is only about 1.5% of the surface of the Earth — is not proof or disproof of man-made global warming’
Listen here.
Peer-reviewed paper: Antarctic Sea Ice Increasing: ‘Antarctic sea ice area is not retreating but has slowly increased since satellite measurements began in 1979’ – Published in Journal of Geophysical Research in June 2013
Bill Nye, the ‘science guy’: More brutally cold winters may be coming: ‘What if this polar vortex is the way it’s going to be often over the coming decades’
Bill Nye
Warmists lament: ‘How ESPN Is Mainstreaming Climate Change Denialism’
Industry, not environmentalists, killed traditional bulbs: ‘The traditional incandescent bulb…has become a fitting symbol for the collusion of big business and big government’
Climatologist Cliff Harris: ‘The claims that greenhouse warming causes more cold waves like we have seen this week really seems to be without any basis in observational evidence or in theory. The media needs to stop pushing this unsupported argument’
Harris: The recent work by Professor Elizabeth Barnes of Colorado State has shown that there were methodological deficiencies in the research suggesting increased jet undulations with global warming. And that there is no observational evidence of increased waviness. Furthermore, there is little evidence that the jet approaching North America has weakened recently. The IPCC, the global group of […]
Flashback 1974: MIT Scientist Jule Charney Said That Making Climate Predictions Was Equivalent To ‘Practicing Necromancy’ (a form of magic involving communication with the dead)
Related Link: 1974 : National Academy Of Sciences Wanted To Evacuate Six Million People To Save Them From Global Cooling