CFACT challenges constitutionality of EPA emissions rules in Supreme Court
RELEASE: CFACT challenges constitutionality of EPA emissions rules in Supreme Court FOR IMMEDIATE RELEASE: CFACT to Supreme Court — EPA emissions rules violate Constitution’s separation of powers They are harmful, arbitrary, capricious and fraudulent. Read the brief.
Michael Mann forced into a ‘do-over’ in Mann -vs- CEI & Steyn
Michael Mann forced into a “do-over” in Mann -vs- CEI & Steyn | Watts Up With That?
1958 NYT: Scientists wanted to melt the Arctic, but were afraid it would start a new ice age – ‘H-Bombs Visioned As Thawing Pole’ – ‘But Scientist Warns That Arctic Blast Could Lead To A New Ice Age’
Antarctic sea ice area above normal every day for the last two years
1958: New York Times Reported That Arctic Sea Ice Had Lost Half Its Volume
Meteorologist Joe Bastardi On ‘Hottest’ NASA November Temperature: ‘A Fraudulent Report… Tampering With Data’
New paper finds another mechanism by which the Sun controls climate – Published in Geophysical Research Letters
Forget Christmas Cheer, it’s End Times!? Scientists: ‘Here’s How Earth Could Really End’ — Cite ‘global warming’ as ‘the biggest threat of all!’
Warmist Eric Holthaus, who pledged to stop flying & get vasectomy to stop global warming — at it again: ‘The only way to stop climate change now may be revolution’
Related Links: More from the get-a-vasectomy-to-prevent-hurricanes guy, Eric Holthaus: — ‘What makes the IPCC so important is simple: They are required to agree’ – – IPCC ‘confidently projected dire consequences should world governments fail to act’ A weatherman breaks down in tears and considers having a vasectomy, vows NEVER to fly again due to grim […]