Veteran Meteorologist: ‘Old And New Data Show Sea Level Rise Deceleration’…Alarmist Projections ‘Contradicted’
Puls writes: “Even over the two most recent decades no acceleration can be detected, rather there is a weakening.” Meteorolgist Puls then summarizes the results of the GRACE data for the last 9 nine years: “Only 1,7 mm per year.” The EIKE article then looks at the “grotesque” discrepancy between satellite data and tide gauge […]
New Peer Reviewed Study: Megafossil Evidence Confirms Roman & Medieval Warming Greater Than Modern Era
ANTARCTICA: RECORD COLD AND GROWING ICE CHILLS GLOBAL WARMING THEORIES: ‘The southern ice sheet is growing at a pace faster than Global Warming theories can account for’
Flashback 1974 – CIA blamed extreme weather on global cooling and expanding Arctic ice
Related Links: Flashback 1974 – CIA blamed extreme weather on global cooling and expanding Arctic ice Flashback 1974: NCAR Blamed ‘Dramatic Climate Anomalies’ on Growing Arctic Ice – Called Global Cooling The ‘New Norm’ – – 2013: Warmists Blame Climate Disasters On Melting Arctic Ice 1976 CIA Shock News: Global Cooling To Kill Us All […]
Flashback 1974: NCAR Blamed ‘Dramatic Climate Anomalies’ on Growing Arctic Ice – Called Global Cooling The ‘New Norm’ – – 2013: Warmists Blame Climate Disasters On Melting Arctic Ice
[Related: Watch CNN climate debate about record cold and snow being used as ‘proof’ of global warming ] Via Real Science: Excerpt from 1974 NCAR report: Climate Change and its Effect on World Food by Walter Orr Roberts Aspen Institute for Humanistic Studies, and National Center for Atmospheric Research, Boulder, Colorado In February of 1972 earth-orbiting […]
1976 CIA Shock News: Global Cooling To Kill Us All – ‘The CIA warned in 1976 that global cooling will increase the frequency of droughts’
C.I.A. WARNING From a correspondent in Washington MAJOR world climate changes were under way that would cause economic and political upheavals “almost beyond comprehension”, an internal report of the Central Intelligence Agency has warned the US Government. “The new climatic era brings a promise of famine and starvation to many areas of the world”, the report warns. The report, which contends that the Climate changes […]