2013: Climate change warning: Killer freezes, winter storms for next THIRTY years — Flashback 2000: ‘Snowfalls are now just a thing of the past’
2013: Climate change warning: Killer winter storms for next THIRTY years: ‘KILLER freezes, floods and heatwaves will devastate Britain during the next 30 years, climate experts have warned.’ Flashback 2000: ‘Snowfalls are now just a thing of the past’: According to Dr David Viner, a senior research scientist at the climatic research unit (CRU) of […]
1988 Editorial: If We Don’t Listen To James Hansen, It Will Stop Raining
Warmists slapped with a cold sardine: ‘As far south as California the fishermen are complaining of cold water’
Pacific sardine populations fluctuate with water temperature. Colder water means fewer fish. Temperatures last fell in the 1940s, but heavy fishing continued, devastating the stock and ending fishing until sardines returned when waters warmed in the 1980s. “We think this is set to happen again,” says Zwolinski, who tracked the population over the past century. […]
Former Harvard Physicist Dr. Lubos Motl: ‘Hardcore demagogues at RealClimate.ORG are offended by the toned down character of the IPCC report’
2013 Had The Fewest US Forest Fires Since 1984
Watch Now: Scientist Dr. Madhav Khandekar explains the science that shows there is no correlation between extreme weather events and climate change
Former NASA scientist James Hansen: ‘Climate change is altering people’s lives, right now, from the United States to Africa to the Arctic. It is as clear and present a danger as we’ve ever seen’
Der Spiegel: ‘Warsaw Climate Conference Shows Capitalism Root of Climate Failure’ – ‘Capitalism’s March toward Global Collapse’
Climate Depot
CNN mocks Greenpeace’s ‘Save Santa’s Home’ video