UN climate chief Figueres wishes that warmists had ‘a voice that is equally as orchestrated with arguments that are at least equally as compelling’ as skeptics

UN climate chief Figueres wishes that warmists had “a voice that is equally as orchestrated with arguments that are at least equally as compelling” as skeptics http://tomnelson.blogspot.com/2013/11/un-climate-chief-figueres-wishes-that.html Progressive businesses need to break the strangle-hold of the fossil fuel lobby | Guardian Sustainable Business | Guardian ProfessionalThe report quotes Christiana Figueres, executive secretary of the UNFCC, […]

Climate Poll Con Job: ‘When you don’t like the poll numbers, make up your own poll’ – Media Duped Again By Stanford U. Pollster Jon Krosnick’s Shoddy Agenda Driven Climate Polling

Climate Depot Special Report Stanford University’s Jon Krosnick ([email protected]) has been receiving a huge splash of publicity with his allegedly surprising state-by-state poling showing ‘the vast majority of Americans in each of 40-plus states surveyed say global warming is real, serious and man-made’ (USA Today) Jon Krosnick is the director of Stanford’s Political Psychology Research Group. Krosnick’s polling […]