Another massive black eye for the IPCC: WGII lead author Roger Jones’ key role in profane, stupid video: ‘bitches be crying about a carbon tax…we were too busy suckin d*ck in Copenhagen’
Another massive black eye for the IPCC: WGII lead author Roger Jones’ key role in profane, stupid video: “bitches be crying about a carbon tax…we were too busy suckin d*ck in Copenhagen” Microsoft Word – WGIIAR5-SPM_Pre-FGDtext_FINAL.docx – wgiiar5-spm_fgdall.pdfRoger Jones (Australia)Flashback: Can the IPCC brand be damaged any further? Note that IPCC AR5 lead author […]
The Secret Science Society by Michael Mann and Stephan Lewandowsky — They believe ‘bad people keep asking to see scientists’ data and correspondence. This, apparently, is unacceptable behavior’
Warmists Mann and Lewandowsky go psychotic on climate skeptics
New warmist study proclaims: Climate Depot’s Morano a ‘Celebrity climate contrarian’ – Published in Routledge
New paper finds US extreme heat waves have decreased since the 1930’s – Published in Journal of Applied Meteorology and Climatology
We’re Saved! Obama signs exec order this morning to encourage climate adaptation when building roads, dunes and other projects
New paper finds Pacific Ocean has been significantly warmer than the present throughout vast majority of past 10,000 years – Published in Science
‘The paper shows [Fig 4a below] that the Pacific Ocean from 0-700 meter depth heat content was greater than the latter 20th century for at least ~8,000 years or 80 centuries. For the intermediate depths from 600-900 meters, the reconstructed temperatures [Fig 2d] were higher than the end of the 20th century for about 95% […]