Coral Davenport and Christiana Figueres assure us ‘there’s no such thing as the U.N. imposing any regulation’ ; UN officials are just ‘working toward forging a historic, legally binding global-warming treaty’

Coral Davenport and Christiana Figueres assure us “there’s no such thing as the U.N. imposing any regulation”; UN officials are just “working toward forging a historic, legally binding global-warming treaty”

Debunking the U.N. Climate-Change Conspiracy –”No!” she said. Figueres added, “Here’s the simple truth. The U.N. does not do anything that its member countries don’t want to do. Period. There is no such thing as the U.N. being a super-national authority imposing anything on governments. It just doesn’t exist. Syria is the clearest example of that. It’s about what the countries decide to do. All the U.N. does is provide a platform for conversations and an exchange of views.… But there’s no such thing as the U.N. imposing any regulation.”Figueres acknowledged that the climate-change conspiracy theory has been key to slowing and blocking action on climate change in the world’s biggest economy and historically largest polluter. “It’s very unfortunate that climate change has been politicized in the U.S.” …”We’re moving into a fascinating future where every one of our homes and buildings will produce the energy those buildings need. We won’t depend on a corporations or government to produce energy. That’s an exciting future, and I begin to see the seeds of that in the U.S and it’s very encouraging—the ‘Green Tea Party.’ “Still, the conspiracy theorists will have more fodder over the coming year, as U.N. officials work toward forging a historic, legally binding global-warming treaty in Paris in 2015…The biggest challenge in forging a successful U.N. climate treaty, she said, will be to create binding legal commitments requiring countries to cut fossil-fuel pollution without halting economic growth, particularly in the world’s most rapidly developing economies.

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