New paper debunks claims that fossil fuel use could cause a mass extinction: Published in Palaeogeography, Palaeoclimatology, Palaeoecology finds that ‘The total amount of carbon needed [to cause a mass extinction] exceeds the modern fossil fuel reservoir’
New paper debunks claims that fossil fuel use could cause a mass extinction Climate alarmists have claimed that Earth is on its way to the 6th mass extinction as a result of use of fossil fuels. However, a paper published today in Palaeogeography, Palaeoclimatology, Palaeoecology finds that “The total amount of carbon needed [to […]
New study finds the natural Pacific Decadal Oscillation controls tornado activity, not CO2 – ‘Higher CO2 is correlated with fewer severe tornadoes’
New study finds the natural Pacific Decadal Oscillation controls tornado activity, not CO2 A new study finds that the severity and locations of tornadoes is strongly influenced by the natural Pacific Decadal Oscillation, with more severe tornadoes occurring during the warm phase and fewer during the cold phase. The cold phase of the 60-year Pacific Decadal […]
Polar Bear expert: September sea ice ballyhoo and why it doesn’t matter to polar bears – ‘It is the extent in June that is important to polar bear survival. June is the end of the critical spring feeding period for polar bears – healthy bears eat more seals over a shorter period of time from March to June than any other time of year’
September sea ice ballyhoo and why it doesn’t matter to polar bears The end of September sea ice summary from the US National Snow and Ice Data Center (NSIDC) finally became available late last week (October 3, “A better year for the cryosphere”). The summary figure NSIDC provides are the average ice extent for […]
New report: In 2012, U.S. CO2 emissions from energy consumption dropped to their lowest point since 1994
New report: In 2012, U.S. CO2 emissions from energy consumption dropped to their lowest point since 1994.
Climategate’s Michael Mann finally getting recognition he deserves: Fellow warmist describes Mann’s latest papers as ‘a crock of sh*t’
Mann’s latest papers … were described as “a crock of xxxx” Key excerpt: ‘The real fireworks came when Mann’s latest papers, which hypothesise that tree ring proxies have large numbers of missing rings after major volcanic eruptions, were described as “a crock of xxxx”. Update: Michael Mann is fuming, calls his colleague Wilson a “denier” […]
Flashback February 6, 1851: 1/4th of Victoria burned in one day. 12 million acres and 1 million cattle. CO2 280 PPM
@AGW_Prof @thewest_com_au February 6, 1851 : 1/4th of Victoria burned in one day. 12 million acres and 1 million cattle. CO2 280 PPM
Warmists go full stupid: Claim: ‘Australian wildfires put heat on climate change sceptic Abbott’ – – Rebuttal: ‘Shane Fitzsimmons, said the state was facing its worst fire conditions since the 1960s’ CO2 320 PPM In 1965
@AGW_Prof @thewest_com_au “Shane Fitzsimmons, said the state was facing its worst fire conditions since the 1960s” CO2 320 PPM In 1965
Leading scientist: Linking the bushfire disaster in NSW to climate change is ‘absolute nonsense’
Leading scientist: Linking the bushfire disaster in NSW to climate change is “absolute nonsense”
Moronic: Greens MP links Australia’s NSW bush fires to climate policy
Moronic: Greens MP links NSW bush fires to climate policy Greens see an opportunity to make cheap political points Adam Bandt is a typical Greenie, and because he, like all the rest of them, are on an ideological crusade and generally possess no brains, they are unable to understand even the basic facts about […]