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Study finds global ocean warming has decelerated 50% over the past 50 years — 2012 paper published in Nature Climate Change

Study finds global ocean warming has decelerated 50% over the past 50 years The currently-favored excuse du jour for no statistically-significant global warming over the past 20 years is that the oceans “ate the man-made global warming.” However, a 2012 paper published in Nature Climate Change torpedoes this notion, finding the global oceans started warming at […]

‘Policy-neutral’ IPCC SPM author Rowan Sutton: “All the evidence makes it clear that leaving the issue of climate change for future generations to deal with is a phenomenally high-risk option”

Uh oh: Policy-neutral IPCC SPM author Rowan Sutton: “All the evidence makes it clear that leaving the issue of climate change for future generations to deal with is a phenomenally high-risk option” University of Reading scientist’s warning over global warming – Reading PostProf Sutton said: “All the evidence makes it clear that leaving the […]