Analysis: What was the UN IPCC AR4 in 2007 Most Certain About? ‘There appears to be about 10 unique findings that were expressed with a 95% or greater likelihood’
Prof. Roger Pielke Jr.: Revisiting the ‘Consistent With’ Canard — ‘Just don’t use ‘consistent with’ in stretching to link particular extremes with human-caused climate change. It is pure spin’
Excerpt: “…it is meaningful to proclaim that the extreme rainfall observed in Colorado several weeks ago are “consistent with” predictions of more intense rainfall associated with human-caused climate change. Long-time readers will know that I believe the use of the phrase “consistent with” in this context is a canard and devoid of substance. Here is an example using […]
UN IPCC EMERGENCY! SEND IN THE PHILOSOPHERS: ‘The IPCC climate brigade has a new secret climate weapon up its sleeve: philosophy. Call it ‘anything but the science’
Now the IPCC has a new secret weapon up its sleeve: philosophy. One of the lead authors for the IPCC’s Working Group III, which looks at mitigation, is Oxford Professor of Moral Philosophy John Broome. It is unlikely that you have heard of Professor Broome. However, you will have heard of the 2006 Stern Review. […]