Reality Check: The ‘1000 year Colorado flood’ is actually a 25-50 year flood

Shocker: The “1000 year Colorado flood” is actually a 25-50 year flood How Fantasy Becomes Fact Reblogged from Dr. Roger Pielke, Jr. 9/19/13: The flooding in Colorado has wreaked tremendous devastation, by one estimate the costs will total about $2 billion. Some people remain unaccounted for and it will be many months if not longer […]

Warmist Nicholas Stern: The UN IPCC’s report has been prepared by 259 researchers; CO2 might result in ‘population movements of perhaps hundreds of millions’

Nicholas Stern: The IPCC’s report has been prepared by 259 researchers; CO2 might result in “population movements of perhaps hundreds of millions” World leaders must co-operate on talks for strong new climate change deal | Nicholas Stern | Comment is free | The ObserverThe IPCC’s report, which has been prepared by 259 researchers from […]

New IPCC report claims greenhouse gases caused 140% of warming since 1951

New IPCC report claims greenhouse gases caused 140% of warming since 1951 According to the leaked IPCC report, “….Greenhouse gases contributed a global mean surface warming likely to be in the range of 0.5-1.3 C [average 0.9 C] over the period 1951-2010.” However, the most widely used global temperature dataset [HADCRU4] shows a temperature rise […]

Climategate 4.0? UN IPCC ‘pause deniers’ cover-up no global warming for past 20 years – – ‘According to a peer-reviewed paper just published in Nature Climate Change, there has been no statistically-significant global warming for the past 20 years’

Climategate 4.0? UN IPCC ‘pause deniers’ cover-up no global warming for past 20 years According to a peer-reviewed paper just published in Nature Climate Change, there has been no statistically-significant global warming for the past 20 years. As noted by Dr. Judith Curry: “we see where ‘pause denial’ has led the IPCC, potentially to […]

Analysis: How the IPCC hides the 20 year halt in global warming & exaggerates 20th century warming: ‘The temperature record has been repeatedly ‘adjusted’ to cool the past and warm the present’

How the IPCC hides the 20 year halt in global warming & exaggerates 20th century warming A new paper from SPPI & Christopher Monckton demonstrates how the IPCC et al hides the halt in global warming over the past 20 years by using decadal averages instead of showing the monthly satellite data, “a meme […]

EPA used Obama’s ‘social cost of carbon’ trick to bankrupt the coal industry: ‘Used a controversial estimate of the monetary cost of carbon pollution to develop limits for greenhouse gases emissions from new power plants’

EPA used Obama’s ‘social cost of carbon’ trick to bankrupt the coal industry The EPA used Obama’s “social cost of carbon” trick to bankrupt the coal industry. EPA used disputed carbon metric to develop power plant rules By Julian Hattem – 09/20/13  The Hill The Obama administration used a controversial estimate of the monetary cost […]

NYTimes debunks EPA’s new coal rules — None of expensive mandated technology sequesters carbon

NYTimes debunks EPA’s new coal rules — None of expensive mandated technology sequesters carbon The New York Times reports: …In the last few days, Ms. McCarthy has referred to several early-stage carbon capture projects as a sign that industry can build the needed equipment. In testimony on Wednesday before the House Energy and Power […]

EPA chief to power generation industry: Your new coal plants will have to prevent non-existent CO2-induced bad weather by using extremely expensive CO2 capture technology that doesn’t work

EPA chief to power generation industry: Your new coal plants will have to prevent non-existent CO2-induced bad weather by using extremely expensive CO2 capture technology that doesn’t work Challenges Await Plan to Reduce Emissions – NYTimes.comThe biggest carbon-capture project to date was at the American Electric Power’s Mountaineer plant in New Haven, W.Va. But […]