Obama signs on to three international climate pacts in three days: ‘Obama is walking the climate-change talk — all around the world. Or at least endorsing climate-change pacts’
For complete article see here.
Lowest Five Year Count Of US Hurricanes On Record: ‘Over the last five hurricane seasons, the US has had a total of three hurricane strikes – Irene, Issac and Sandy’
Prof. Roger Pielke Jr.: Updated ‘Remarkable’ Major Hurricane Drought Figure — ‘2,878 days. The US major hurricane drought continues. This length of time is almost exactly twice as long as the previous ‘drought’ since 1915 (which was 1975-1979)’
The skeptics were right: Climate changes naturally & these natural changes outweigh any man-made influences
The skeptics were right: Climate changes naturally & these natural changes outweigh any man-made influences http://hockeyschtick.blogspot.com/2013/08/the-skeptics-were-right-climate-changes.html Reblogged from Notes on a Scandal: [emphasis added]A Pacific Reason why Global Warming has Stopped8/30/13 An interesting week in climate change science and climate change politics – sometimes a little difficult to distinguish between them!We have a new paper […]