Carbon Dioxide: The Gas of Life

Carbon Dioxide: The Gas of Life In this special report, CFACT senior policy advisor Paul Driessen examines carbon dioxide and its many benefits. While global warming alarmists rail against it, carbon dioxide is actually the “gas of life,” without which life on earth would perish.

The polar bear who died of old age

The polar bear who died of old age But the Guardian calls him “The polar bear who died of climate change.” Bull pucky. A picture of a dead polar bear appeared in the The Guardian yesterday (6 Aug13). The photo was meant to wring your heart. But did climate change kill him? “The average […]

Bjørn Lomborg: ‘There is No Bee Crisis’ — ‘Yes, honeybees are dying in above-average numbers, but the most likely cause is the varroa mite and associated viruses. Moreover, if you look at the actual numbers, they undermine much of the catastrophic rhetoric’

Bjørn Lomborg: ‘There is No Bee Crisis’ Shocker. There are “bee alarmists,” too. Lomborg writes:Contrary to what you may have heard, there is no “bee-pocalypse.” There is lots of alarmist talk about colony collapse disorder, people are blaming pesticides and talking about hundreds of billions of dollars at risk. But a closer look tells […]

Global Sea Ice Extent Anomaly Percent Mean For Year = +0.9%

Global Sea Ice Extent Anomaly Percent Mean For Year = +0.9% Right now the mean for the year for Global Sea Ice Anomaly percent is +0.9% above the 1981-2010 mean. The anomaly have been over +4% earlier in the year and is now almost -2%.  

WSJ Op-Ed: What changed the Australian political climate was climate change

WSJ Op-Ed: What changed the Australian political climate was climate change The Triumph of Tony Abbott Once derided as unelectable, Mr. Abbott made his convictions into an asset. By  TOM SWITZER WSJ.COM 9/8/13: According to the conventional wisdom of just a few years ago, Tony Abbott should never have become prime minister of Australia. […]

Twenty-Three Consecutive Months Of Above Normal Antarctic Sea Ice

Twenty-Three Consecutive Months Of Above Normal Antarctic Sea Ice Every day for the last 23 months, Antarctic sea ice area has been above normal. It is currently 13,100 Manhattans above normal. To put this in perspective, alarmists got hysterical last year about a perfectly normal glacier calving in Greenland – which was 2 Manhattans […]