Antarctic Sea Ice Growth Sets New Records in August

Antarctic Sea Ice Sets New Records In August By Paul Homewood Sea ice in the Antarctic continues to set new records, with average extent in August the highest on record at 18.624 million sq km. The previous August high was 18.606 in 2010. The daily figure for the 31st August was also a […]

Paul Ehrlich to Congress in 1974: ‘If bad weather continues in the Midwest this year, and if the monsoon should fail this year in India, as it might, then I think you’re going to see the age of scarcity and many of the changes I’m talking about coming on next winter’

Here is areview from by Glenn Gallagher that typifies the book’s reviews: I read the Population Bomb when it first came out, and believed it. Paul Ehrlich envisioned a horrific future with mass starvation of millions, if not billions of people by 1995. As we now know, Ehrlich was a Malthusian of the worst order, […]