Review paper finds the so-called unprecedented warmth of the late 20th century (in China) is simply a myth

Review paper finds the so-called unprecedented warmth of the late 20th century is simply a myth A new paper from SPPI and CO2 Science reviews the scientific literature on historical temperature trends in China and concludes, “the results of these several studies demonstrate that the so-called unprecedented warmth of the late 20th century is […]

New paper finds global carbon cycle datasets may be biased – Published in Global Biogeochemical Cycles

New paper finds global carbon cycle datasets may be biased A paper published today in Global Biogeochemical Cycles finds prior calculations of the global carbon cycle may be erroneous because such calculations are based upon partial pressures of CO2 from several meters below the ocean surface instead of CO2 levels at the ocean surface […]

Enviro-lawsuit forces five Indiana coal plants to shut down: ‘A lawsuit brought by environmental groups has forced the shutdown of five Indiana coal-fired power plants by 2018, totalling 668 megawatts of power’

Enviro-lawsuit forces five Indiana coal plants to shut down | The Daily Caller The “war on coal” has five new casualties. A lawsuit brought by environmental groups has forced the shutdown of five Indiana coal-fired power plants by 2018, totalling 668 megawatts of power. Duke Energy announced that it would retire five coal plants […]

Observed Rate of Global Warming Half of What the Models Predict

Observed Rate of Global Warming Half of What the Models Predict Observed Rate of Global Warming Half of What the Models PredictRonald Bailey|  Aug. 30, 2013 12:32 pm   Reason.comThat’s what an interesting new article in Nature Climate Change points out. The article, “Overestimated warming over the past 20 years,” by members in good […]