UN Scientists Who Have Turned on the UN IPCC & Man-Made Climate Fears — A Climate Depot Flashback Report
Here is a very small sampling of what current and former UN scientists have to say about the UN’s climate claims and its scientific methods. Warming fears are the “worst scientific scandal in the history…When people come to know what the truth is, they will feel deceived by science and scientists.” – UN IPCC Japanese Scientist Dr. […]
Arctic ice ‘could be twice as much ice as last year’– Arctic ice Arctic Melt Season About Over & ‘The US Navy is forecasting an increase in extent over the next week’
Antarctic Sea Ice Reaches Record High: ‘Antarctic sea ice is near a record maximum extent for mid-August’
Bill McKibben compares himself, Al Gore to MLK Jr, Ghandi, Susan B. Anthony, Malcolm X, Medgar Evans
Warmists Now ‘Blame the Volcanoes’ Global-Warming ‘Pause’: ‘Since 2000, volcanic aerosols increased their heat-blocking ability by between 4% and 7%, according to the study from a team of researchers at NASA & NOAA’
2899 Record cold temps vs 667 record warm temps in U.S. — From July 24 to August 19
2899 Record cold temps vs 667 record warm temps Via: http://iceagenow.info/2013/08/2899-record-cold-temps-667-record-warm-temps/ From July 24 to August 19 This is global warming? http://wx.hamweather.com/maps/climate/records/4week/us.html?cat=maxtemp,mintemp,snow,lowma x,highmin, Thanks to Ralph Fato for this link Related Links: UN Scientists Who Have Turned on the UN IPCC & Man-Made Climate Fears — A Climate Depot Flashback Report Report: Earth undergoing global COOLING since […]
Warmist Media Matters Upset at Media For Featuring Skeptics — Trashes Climate Depot’s Morano as ‘a a fossil-fuel funded climate misinformer’ who ‘advances groundless allegations against scientists’
Gore & Obama Efforts Failing: WaPo reports GOP ‘paying no price whatsoever for climate science denialism’
Al Gore compares climate skeptics to anti abolitionists, racists, ‘homophobes’, and alcoholic families
Gore: ‘I think the most important part of it is winning the conversation. I remember as a boy when the conversation on civil rights was won in the South. I remember a time when one of my friends made a racist joke and another said, hey man, we don’t go for that anymore. The same […]