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‘Predetermined Science’: Bloomberg News Features Climate Depot about new UN IPCC Report: Morano: ‘This is predetermined science. There’s going to be a collective yawn from most of the world when this report comes out. Ultimately, this report is going to add very little to the scientific debate.’

‘This is predetermined science,’ Marc Morano, executive editor of Climate Depot, a blog that posts articles skeptical of climate change, said in an interview. ‘There’s going to be a collective yawn from most of the world when this report comes out. Ultimately, this report is going to add very little to the scientific debate.’

Politico features Climate Depot on leaked UN IPCC report

Excerpt: Climate skeptics quickly struck back, particularly taking aim at the “95 percent” figure and how that’s calculated. Marc Morano, for example, wrote on his Climate Depot blog: “All of these fatuous figures are pulled out of the air to support the IPCC ideologies and not based upon any statistical analysis or science.”